Positive affirmations postpartum and gratitude for what worked today can help give you confidence as a new parent! Let’s face it, having a baby and caring for him or her in the early days can be so overwhelming! I’ve been there and remember the first day we brought our son home. My husband and I looked at him in his car seat and then looked at each other and said, ‘Now what do we do?’. Fast forward two weeks later…. We were so exhausted from sleepless nights and trying to read his cues. There were times I felt overwhelmed and not sure what to do next. I would get to the end of the day and feel drained and unsure how to handle the next day. I felt like I had the choice between randomly trying anything that would calm him or focusing on the few things that worked that day.
This led me down the path of positive affirmations postpartum and focusing my energy on what would help me succeed tomorrow. Did it work? Yes, but it was a process! Over a couple weeks of writing down my successes, I started to see a pattern of cues. I would re-read my journal from the previous day and realize that he would be happier if I changed his wet diaper before I fed him – yay, success!
In retrospect, what would I say were the top 3 reasons positive affirmations postpartum helped me and might help you reach your infant feeding goals?
Putting pen to paper helps clarify your goals
You can put all the ‘things’ that worked or didn’t work for you and your baby down on one sheet of paper and re-read the next day for inspiration. If you feel like one strategy didn’t work, that emboldens you to try something new.
Envisioning your success makes it feel REAL!
Using present tense phrases such as, “My Baby Knows How to Breastfeed/Chestfeed” or “Human Milk is the best gift I can give my baby” are powerful. Even if you are not sure you believe it yet, writing down your goal as if it has already succeeded might just convince you it is true!
You can watch your confidence grow
Reflecting on your day, week, or month can help you see how far you have come and reassure you that you are close to achieving your goals. Baby steps each day can lead to big leaps over time!
Are you ready to start down the path of positive affirmations postpartum?
I have created two downloadable PDFs located here that you can print out right now and start reaching for your goals! You might consider printing out ten of each and putting them in a folder. You can keep them on your nightstand or near where you feed your baby. When you wake up or sit to feed your baby, you might want to reflect on your day and discover the power positive affirmations postpartum have on your mood and ability to achieve our infant feeding goals!
If you need more support and encouragement, I am here to help! We can set up a home, office, or virtual consultation to talk through your goals and work together to develop a plan personalized for you. To book a consultation go to https://yourmilkstory.com/services/. You can send me an email at michelle@yourmilkstory.com or contact me at https://yourmilkstory.com/welcome/. I look forward to meeting you and your baby!